Fuel Saving Tip: Car Weight And Your Illinois Driving
December 31, 2014
Weight is the enemy of fuel economy. Everyone from here to Bolingbrook knows this makes sense. Some of us in the Bolingbrook area carry a bunch of unnecessary weight, and I'm not talkin' what you see in the mirror. Guys; sports equipment and tools. Ladies; well, just take a look ar... More

Hitting The Brakes In Bolingbrook
December 24, 2014
Hello Plainfield, let's talk about brakes. Braking, as all Illinois auto owners know, is slowing or stopping your vehicle. As you can imagine, brakes are engineered to work well on a particular vehicle application. For example, you would expect more powerful brakes on a heavy-duty p... More

Lease Or Buy?
December 17, 2014
Lease? Or buy? These are the options for Plainfield car financing. It's always a tough question for Plainfield car owners. But here is some info that'll help you make an informed decision.If you buy, you'll pay the full cost of the car, with maybe an initial down payment, then monthl... More

What is That? Check Engine Light Service At Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Plainfield
December 12, 2014
Okay. You went to your local Plainfield car wash and while your SUV was under the dryer, the check engine light started flashing. Panic! What did you just do? Something is seriously wrong with the SUV! You head for the nearest Plainfield service station, but on the way, the check en... More

Wiper Blades In Illinois
December 2, 2014
If you're gonna drive around the Plainfield area, you've got to be able to see! So having a good pair of windshield wipers is extremely important. We've all experienced the frustration and fear of not being able to see clearly during a storm, or when our windshield is just dirty. It ... More