Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Plainfield Engine Air Filter Replacement
October 28, 2018
When your experienced Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Plainfield technician changes your oil, he will also inspect your air filter. You shouldn't need a new air filter at every oil change, but you will need to change it regularly. Heed your technician's auto advice if they tell you to change your air ... More

Steer Right in Plainfield
October 21, 2018
Virtually all vehicles come with power steering, so many Plainfield drivers have never driven a car or truck without it. Power steering assists you when you turn your vehicle steering wheel. Without it, it would be very hard to steer. Now this power assist comes in a couple of forms. In recent y... More

Hold the Oil! (Oil Pan Gasket Replacement)
October 15, 2018
You've likely heard how important oil is to your vehicle's engine. Did you know that there's one part that's responsible for holding that oil so you can use it every day? It's called the oil pan, and it sits at the bottom of the engine. The oil pan is a vital, though simple, part of your engine's... More

When You Hear the Crash in Plainfield: What to Do After an Accident
October 7, 2018
Motorists in North America drive about 3 trillion miles/4.8 trillion kilometers every year. There are over 250+ million licensed drivers, and approximately 6.2 million accidents happen every year. Unfortunately, if we're going to drive vehicles, there are going to be accidents. Knowing what to do... More