Speak Up: Talking with Your Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Plainfield Service Advisor
August 30, 2020
About 80% of the vehicles on Plainfield roads today are behind on their preventive maintenance schedules. That translates to about 160 million vehicles in the United States that aren't performing as well as they could be - thousands right here in Illinois. Some of the maintenance issues are minor... More

Free Money (Almost) (Fuel Saving Tips)
August 23, 2020
You spend a lot of money on a vehicle, probably the most money you'll spend on anything except a house. But the spending doesn't stop after you've bought it. It goes into things like insurance, repairs and fuel. One good piece of news is that you can cut down the amount you spend on fuel if yo... More

Fuel Filter Replacement
August 16, 2020
Hello Plainfield resident! You would never like to drink a glass of mud, right? Well, your vehicle feels the same way. It needs a steady supply of clean fuel in order to run well and deliver good fuel economy. The fuel filter's job is to clean dirt and rust out of the fuel before it gets to your ... More

Emergency! (Vehicle Emergency items)
August 9, 2020
"I never expected it could happen to me." Countless drivers have said that after they've had an emergency turn their lives upside down. So before that happens to you, let's thinking about planning ahead for an emergency with a few things you should keep in your vehicle. Road flares. If you've ev... More

For 4x4s (Maintenance of 4x4 Vehicles)
August 2, 2020
Some people love 4x4 vehicles, the true 4-wheel drive works of engineering like Jeeps and 4x4 pickups that allow you to seemingly go anywhere on the planet. You can climb up a 40-degree rock trail with some planning and skill (always careful to protect the environment, of course), or you can get ... More