Fuel Filter Service in Plainfield Illinois
August 28, 2015
There are a surprising number of small, inexpensive parts that can lead to expensive engine damage when they fail. It doesn't seem right. Fortunately a lot of those things can be taken care of in routine maintenance. They may not be easy to remember, because it is a long list, but y... More

Questions To Ask Your Plainfield Service Advisor
August 19, 2015
We find that a lot of Plainfield service and repair at Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Plainfield are a little tentative when they talk with their automotive advisors. They want to ask questions, but don't want to be embarrassed or to seem pushy. Cars are very complicated and there's more ... More

What Plainfield Automotive Service Consumers Should Know
August 13, 2015
There are some things Plainfield auto owners should know about Plainfield car service and repair. First and foremost, Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Plainfield cares about you and your familys safety. And we really appreciate your business. Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Plainfield in Plainfie... More

Deep Clean Your Fuel System At Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Plainfield
August 6, 2015
Having trouble with your fuel system? Bring your SUV into Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Plainfield for a check up. 23846 W 135th St Plainfield, Illinois 60544 815-436-1337 In today's Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Plainfield auto post, we're talking about fuel system cleaning. The first thin... More

Fuel Injection Basics For Plainfield
August 5, 2015
All modern Plainfield vehicles come with fuel injection systems, so its a topic Plainfield motorists need to know something about. The mighty fuel injector is a valve that delivers the gas or diesel fuel to the right place, in the right amount, at the right time; to be mixed with air... More