Passing the Test (How to Prevent Emissions Test Failure)
February 28, 2021
Vehicle emission testing has become ubiquitous in North America and for a good reason. Clean air quality is important for the environment and all of us. Since vehicle emissions are among the main causes of air pollution, emission testing can alert you to problems in your vehicle than can be fix... More

Don't Be Shocked (Shock Absorbers)
February 21, 2021
If you've ever ridden down a rough road on your bicycle, you know how hard a ride it can be. Yet drive down the same road in your car, truck or SUV and it miraculously will smooth out the ride. That's because it is equipped with shock absorbers. They are built to dampen impacts from road irreg... More

The Puzzling Puddle (Leaks Under Vehicle)
February 14, 2021
Ever notice a little spot of liquid under your vehicle after you've parked in your driveway or garage? It may have been something as simple as water left from air conditioning condensation. But then again, it could be a sign that there's trouble brewing in one of your vehicle's systems. You can ... More

A Sticky Brake Situation (Parking Brake Service and Maintenance)
February 7, 2021
We've all been there. You park your vehicle on a steeper than usual hill and worry about it rolling down while you're running your errands. So you decide you'll use the parking brake. When you get back, you release the parking brake, hit the ignition, put it in gear anduh, ohyou can feel the p... More